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Genomic Array Application

PI Information

First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name:

Degree: Title: Address Title:

Institution: Department:

Phone: FAX: E-mail:

Registration Number: What is this?

Additional Laboratory Personnel

A. Microarray Checklist

Number of Microarrays requested (the default quantity is 15 slides):

Hybridization Material:

Is equipment present to hybridize and scan microarrays in your lab?

If no, please specify who will doing this:

Provide a breif description of your direct experience with microarray procedures:

B. Background hypothesis and relevance to understanding mechanisms of disease.

Describe the rational for the experiments and why array technology is apppropriate. Describe the relevance of the work for understanding mechanisms of disease and/or host defense.

C. Methods

1. The source of a strain (if a clinical isolate will be used, describe the origin, manipulations, how the strain was stored prior to use, and if a reference stock of that strain is housed in a repository)


2. Bacterial culture methods (medium type, physical conditions, stage of growth, et cetera)


3. Will non-mycobacterial RNA be present in the sample and what steps will be taken to deal with it?

D. Data Analysis

Describe how the data will be organized and analyzed, include comparisons that will be made to other types of work, either experimental or from the literature. Describe how the results will be verified in terms of the steps and techniques that will be used to support the data of the microarray studies.